My First Period…I Knew What It Was. – 02

My First Period (2).png

I already had an idea of what a girl’s monthly period was all about from my primary school peers that started earlier than I did. So, I was just waiting for when I will start to experience all the menstrual flow gist I had gathered.  Looking back, I think I was kind of nervous about it happening to me.

It finally came when I was in JSS2; during the holidays. When I saw those stains on my under pant, I knew what it was, but it took me three days to walk up to my mum with the news. I can’t really place why I did that then, but I think I was just trying to accept the new phase that I was getting into.

At day 3, I walked to my mum and said….mummy I see stains on my under pants and I don’t know what it is.

She asked me to remove the stained under pant, and get it soaked for washing later. Afterwards I went to her room with a new under pant to wear. She got a pad from her wardrobe and showed me how to use it. I was given instructions; that I have to get it changed like twice or thrice in a day.

At that initial period, I didn’t handle a complete pack of pad, my mum was in charge. She gives me, instructs me on when to remove and wear a new pad. As time went by, she gradually made me take charge; she bought sanitary pads for me, and I handled the usage myself.

Going back to my boarding school, my mum usually gave money to my house mistress to get me sanitary pads to use.


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